Saturday, March 28, 2020

Reading Skill Practice Lesson Plan (RSPL Plan) Sample1

Reading Skill Practice Lesson Plan (RSPL Plan)

Aim:                            To teach and practice reading for general and specific information.
Objective:                   By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1.    skim and scan the texts to answer the questions
2.    develop reading skill for specific information
3.    read and discuss an article about jobs and schedules
Target Item:               To revise the Present Simple with time expressions
Material/Textbook:   Interchange I, Third Edition, Unit 2, Page 13 and handouts.
Lesson Opener: (3Mins)
·      Greeting: The teacher says, “Good evening, everyone”
·      Asking the date:  The teacher asks, “What day is it today?”
                                   - Today it’s Monday.
·      Checking the Students’ Attendance: “Who’s missing?”
·      Warmer: Chatting with the students about their jobs using Present simple
·      Title of the lesson:  Today we’re going to study ‘Reading’.

I.     PRE-READING TASK: (10 Mins)
1.    Revising/Pre-teach vocabulary
-     be expensive (adj) (opposite)     
-     to save (v) (explanation)
-     salary (u.n) (explanation)
-     an allowance (n) (translation)
-     a college (n) (example)
-     take care of (phr.) (explanation)
2.    Pre-Reading Task:
(Predicting True/False Statements)
-      The teacher says, “Now you’re going to predict some statements about Theresa Glass, Kerin Thomas and Lamar Andrews”.
-      The teacher gives the pieces of paper to the students.
Theresa wants to save money

Kerin needs to earn more money for her college

Lamar loves going out on the weekends.

Kerin wants to buy a new house.

-      The teacher gives instruction and confirms the instruction.
-      The teacher checks the students’ understanding about all the statements.
-      The teacher gets the students to put T if the statement is true, F if the statement is false in the Prediction column.
1.       Main Reading Task 1:
      (True/False Statements)
-      The teacher gets the students to read the texts (Theresa Glass, Kerin Thomas, Lamar Ansrews).
-      The teacher gives instruction and confirms the instruction about the point A.
-      The teacher checks the students’ understanding of all the statements.
-      The teacher gets the students to check (√) the boxes.
-      The teach moves around the class, notes mistakes made by the students and provides help as needed.
-      The teacher gets them to compare their answers with their partners
-      The teacher checks the answers on the board.
-      The teacher corrects the mistakes if necessary.
2.       Main Reading Task 2:
-     The teacher gets the students to work in pairs and read the texts again.
-     The teacher asks the students to read Point B, page 13.
-     The teacher explains the task and confirms the instruction.
-     The teacher asks some questions: After reading the text, what is Theresa’s schedule like? What experience does she have? What jobs are good for her? Why?
-     The teacher elicits the answers from the students.
-     The teacher lets the students match the texts by choose jobs in B for Theresa, Kerin and Lamar in pairs.
-     The teacher moves around to monitor and provides help as needed.
-     The teacher gets one or two pairs to share about their work to the class.

-      The teacher gets the students to work in group of five to discuss about “their daily schedules and jobs they want to work”.
-      The teacher confirms the instruction.
-      The teacher monitors the class and provides some help as needed.
-      The teacher gets one student from each group to share about their group work to the class.
-      The teacher corrects some mistakes if necessary.

-      The teacher says, “Thanks for hard working today”.
-      The teacher gives feedback, “Today, we have learnt Present Simple with time expressions to talk about daily activities/schedules and jobs”.
-      The teacher says, “Have a nice dinner”.
-      The teacher says, “Goodbye”.

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