Saturday, March 28, 2020

PPPL Lesson Plan (Structure)

Trainee                       : PIN Sopich
Homeroom Teacher    : KHUN Tha
Level                          : IEAP 2
Text book                   : Interchange 2, Third Edition, Unit 2 “Caught in the rush”
Number of Students   : 25, Male: 16, Female: 9
Time Allowance         : 80 minutes

PPPL Lesson Plan (Structure)

Aim:                         To present and practice Indirect questions from Wh-questions with Be and with Do or Did.
Objective:                By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use Indirect questions from Wh-questions with Be & with Do or Did accurately and fluently.
Target Item           : Indirect questions from Wh-questions with Be and with Do or Did
Material                : Whiteboard, blue/red markers, computer, speaker and handouts.

Lesson opener
§ Greeting: T says, “Good evening, everyone”
§ Asking about the date: T says, “What day is today?”
§ Checking attendance: T asks Ss, “Who’s missing?”

§ Rub out and remember: pedestrian, bicycle lane, bus lane, newsstand, parking garage, streetlight, taxi stand, traffic light.
Whiteboard and marker
Title of Lesson
§ T tells, “Today we’re going to study Indirect questions from Wh-questions with Be and with Do or Did.

Whiteboard & marker


Set the scene
§ T introduces Erica and Clerk in the picture P. 11 to Ss by saying, “You’re going to listen to Erica asking a clerk at an airport information counter some questions”

Pre-teach vocabulary
§ T elicits the vocabularies from Ss using some techniques:
be duty-free (adj) (translation): ដែលមិនជាប់ពន្ធ
to depend (v) (translation): ពឹងផ្អែក/អាស្រ័យលើ
a drugstore (n) (synonym):  pharmacy ឱសថស្ថាន

Whiteboard & marker
Introduce  target item
§ T writes three questions on the boards:
-      What opens at 8:00 AM? The bank
-      Where is it located? Upstairs, across from duty-free shop
-      What’s the last thing Erica asks about? The restroom.
§ T plays to the audio of Exercise 8 Part A P. 11.
§ T gets Ss to look at the dialogue while listening.
§ T gets Ss to answer the questions and checks answers with the class.

Whiteboard, marker,  computer, and speakers
Comprehension check
§ T writes three questions on the board and asks Ss to answer.
1.  Where is the bank? Upstairs, across from duty-free shop.
2.  What time does the bank open? At 8:00 AM
3.  Where are the restrooms? Right behind Erica
§ T checks answers with the class.

and marker
Highlight  target item

§ T highlights TI by getting Ss to listen again the Part A and Part B and pauses when at the TI of Erica’s questions and gets Ss to repeat the TI.
§ T writes TI on the board.
Direct Questions with be                   Indirect Questions
Where is the bank?                   Could you tell me where the bank is?
Where are the restrooms?        Do you know where the restrooms are?
Direct Questions with do or did        Indirect Questions
What time does the bank open?      Do you know what time the bank opens?
How often do the busses leave?   Can you tell me how often the busses leave?
How much does a taxi cost?           Do you know how much a taxi costs?
When did flight 566 arrive?            Do you know when Flight 566 arrived?
 (Added by T)

Whiteboard and marker

Concept check
§ Form
Direct Questions with be             Indirect Questions
       Wh-word+ Be+N...?       Intro.phr + Wh-word + Posi statement?
Direct Q. with do or did               Indirect Questions
Wh-word+ Do/Did+S+V..?   Intro.phr + Wh-word + Posi statement?

§ Use: To make questions softer or more polite.

Whiteboard and  marker



Controlled  practice

Task 1: Transformation Drill:
§ T writes the TI on the board.
     Where is the bank?                Can you tell me where the bank is?
§ T drills the TI chorally and individually.
§ T gives several direct questions; Ss transform them into indirect questions (Using intro. phr: Can you    tell me…..)
Teacher                                                      Students

What time does the firm start?                             ………….
What time is it?                                                    …………
Who are those people?                                          ………...
How much is your telephone?                              ………...
Where can I find Ms. Louis?                                ………..

Task 2:
§  T gets Ss to complete Exercise 9, Part A, P. 11.

Whiteboard  and marker


Less-controlled practice
Task 1: Find Someone who………
Find Someone who…….
……can tell where the restrooms are.

……can tell what their telephone number is.

…....can tell where he/she was born.

…....can tell how much his/her phone costs.

Whiteboard and marker


Free Practice
Task 1:
§ T gets Ss to do Exercise 9 Part B, P. 9.
Task 2:
§ T gets Ss to do Exercise 11 Part A, B &C, P. 12.


§ T gives feedback.
§ T says, “Thank you for working hard today”.
§ T gives handouts of Indirect Questions to Ss.
§ T gets Ss to do exercises 7&8 P.12 in the workbook.
§ T says, “Goodbye.”


Handouts, whiteboard and marker

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