Saturday, March 28, 2020

PPP LESSON PLAN (Structure) (Using Dialogue)

(Using Dialogue)

Aim:                    To teach Present Continuous “Positive”.
Objective:           By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use Present Continuous “Positive” accurately.
Lesson Opener: (5Mins)
·      Greeting: The teacher says, “Good morning, everyone”
·      Asking the date:  The teacher asks, “What day’s it today?”
                                    - Today it’s Friday.
·      Checking the Students’ Attendance: “Who’s missing?”
·      Warmer: Jumbled Words:
-     In the class, the teacher writes jumbled words (dibiulgn, cpirnelip, mdreon, araetspe, pmetel, mmigirnat) on the board.
-     The students put the letters in the correct order and find the words.
-     The teacher checks chorally or gets the students to come and write the words (building, principle, modern, separate, temple, immigrant) on the board.
·      Title of the lesson:  Today we’re going to study “Present Continuous - Positive”.

I.     PRESENTATION: (15Mins)
1.    Set the scene:
-      The teacher introduces Sok and Dary by drawing them on the board “This is Sok and this is Dary. They are friends. They are talking on phone”

                                                            Dary                       Sok

2.    Pre-teach                                        
-      (to) stay              :  ស្នាក់នៅ (Translation)
-     (to) wash             :  បោកសំអាត  (Picture)
-     a newspaper         :  កាសែត  (Realia)
-     clothes (pl.n)        :  សំលៀកបំពាក់ (Realia)
-     (to) do exercise    :  ធ្វើលំហាត់ប្រាណ (Mime)
-     (to) fish                :  ស្ទូចត្រី (Translation)

3.    Introduce the Target Item:
      (Predict Dialogue)
Sok:       Hi, Dary. What are you doing at the moment?
Dary:     I’m cooking.
Sok:       Dary, what are your parents doing?
Dary:    My parents’re staying at home. My father’s reading a newspaper, and my mother’s washing clothes.

4.    Comprehension check
-     Is Dary watching television? (No, she isn’t)
-     Is Dary doing homework? (No, she isn’t)
-     Is Dary cooking? (Yes, she is.)
-     Are Dary’s parents working? (No, they aren’t)
-     Are they staying home? (Yes, they are)
-     Is Dary’s father listening to music? (No, he isn’t)
-     Is Dary’s father reading a newspaper? (Yes, he is)
-     Is Dary’s mother washing clothes? (Yes, she is)

5.    Highlight the Target Item
-     The teacher elicits the target item from the dialogue “What did Dary say here?
-     The teacher gets the students to repeat the target item chorally and individually.
-     The teacher writes the target item on the board.

My parents
staying at home
My father
reading a newspaper

6.    Concept Check
Form:         I + ‘m + Verb + ing
                     You/We/They + ‘re + Verb + ing
                     He/She/It + ‘s + Verb + ing
Meaning:     ខ្ញុំកំពុងចំអិនម្ហូប
Use:                   Present Continuous is used to talk about an activity happening at the moment of speaking.
                          I’m = I am                   
                          You’re = You are        We’re = We are           They’re = They are
                          He’s = He is                She’s  = She is             It’s       = It is
Pronunciation: The teacher drills the pronunciation of the sentences in the table                                             chorally and individually.

II.  PRACTICE: (15 Mins)
1.      Controlled Practice:
(Multiple Repetition Drill)
-     The Teacher calls out phrases to be substituted.

               The Teacher                                                                        The Students
-     I’m teaching English.                                                    - I’m teaching English.
-     You                                                                               - You’re teaching English.
-     We                                                                                 - We’re teaching English.
-     He                                                                                  - He’s teaching English.
-     They                                                                              - They’re teaching English.
-     Watching television.                                                      - They’re watching television.
-     Learning English.                                                          - They‘re learning English.

2.      Less-controlled Practice:
(Read and Practice the Dialogue)
-     The teacher divides the class into blocks: block A is Sok and block B is Dary.
-     The teacher conducts a block drill and then swaps their roles: block is Dary and Block B is Sok and continues the block drill.
-     The teacher writes some cues on the board.
-     The teacher gets students into pairs.
-     The teacher asks the students to practices the dialogue in pairs using the cues written on the board.
                                                                                                   Cues for further practice:
Sok:       Hi, Dary. What are you doing at the moment?           – playing football
Dary:     I’m cooking.                                                                – doing exercise
Sok:       Dary, what are your parents doing?                            – writing a letter                    
Dary:    My parents’re staying at home.                                    – driving a car
My father’s reading a newspaper,                                 – fishing
and my mother’s washing clothes.

III.   PRODUCTION: (15 Mins)
Free Practice (Describing a Person/Place/Picture)
-     The teacher gets the students to work in pairs.
-     The teacher tells the students to take turn to describe people and things they can see in the class using present continuous.
Example: Please describe people and things you can see now in the class using present          continuous.
Students:  Mr. Sopha’s talking with his partner.
-     The teacher monitors and notes down their mistakes in the target item.
-     The teacher conducts short feedback, asking a few students to report what their partners have talked to them about the activities in the class.
-     The teacher corrects any mistakes heard by the teacher at the end of the activity. The teacher writes the mistakes on the board and asks the students to correct them.

·      The teacher says, “Thank you for working hard today” Your homework is to write a dialogue by using Present Continuous.
·      The teacher says, “Goodbye”.

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