Saturday, March 28, 2020



Level:                  Pre-Intermediate
Material:             New Headway Pre-Intermediate, Third Edition, Unit 2 and posters.
Duration:            1 hour
Aim:                    To enable students to practise “have/have got” with positive form, negative form, and Yes/No question form.
Objective:           By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
-          explain how and when “have/have got” is used. (Knowledge)
-          use “have/have got” with positive, negative, and Yes/No question statements accurately and fluently. (Skill)
-          describe the things they own accurately and fluently. (Skill)
Lesson Opener: (5Mins)
·      Greeting: The teacher says, “Good morning, everyone”
·      Asking the date:  The teacher asks, “What day is it today?”
                                    - Today it’s Monday.
·      Checking the Students’ Attendance: “Who’s missing?”
·      Warmer: Word Snake:
-     In the class, the teacher draws a snake on the board and writes one word inside the snake near its tail.
-     The teacher elicits a word from the students that begins with the last letter of the word the teacher has written.
-     The teacher writes that word inside the snake. The teacher elicits another word from the students that begins with the last letter of the word he has just written.
-     The teacher continues eliciting words and writes them inside the snake until there is no more room.
·      Title of the lesson:  Today we’re going to study “Have/Have got–Positive, Negative, and Question-Yes/No question”.

I.     PRE-SPEAKING (14Mins)
1.    Pre-teaching and Revising Vocabulary:
A.    Pre-teach
-     a computer   (Picture)      
-     a camera  (Picture) 
-     a mobile phone (Realia)
-     a pet (Picture)   
-     a DVD player (Picture)
B.     Revision
-      be essential  (Synonym)
-      a factory (Picture)
-      a dormitory (Explanation)
-      a competition (Translation)  
-      a hotel  (Picture)                                   

2.    Revising a structure of “Have/Have got” with Positive, Negative and Question Statements
-     The teacher asks the students to give few statements with “Have/Have got”. If they cannot give them, tell them to look at some statements in the student’s book on page 128.
‘ve got
a hotel
‘s got
dogsled competitions

don’t have
haven’t got
any money
doesn’t have
hasn’t got
a car?
                                                            Short answer
            Do you have a camera?             Yes, I do./No I don’t.
            Have you got a camera?            Yes, I have./No I haven’t.

3.    Controlled Practice (Writing and Speaking)
-        The teacher tells the students to look at all the sentences in the tables Positive, Negative,  and Question.
-        The teacher gets the students to write two sentences from each table using different subjects, especially He, She.
-        The teacher asks the students to read out their sentences and corrects some mistakes.


1.      Less-controlled Practice:
(Read and Practise the Dialogue)
-     The teacher divides the class into blocks: block A is Sok and block B is Dary.
-     The teacher conducts a block drill and then swaps their roles: block A is Dary and Block B is Sok and continues the block drill.
-     The teacher writes some cues on the board.
-     The teacher gets students into pairs.
-     The teacher asks the students to practice the dialogue in pairs using the cues written on the board.
                                                                                                   Cues for further practice:
Sok:       Dary, do you have a computer?                                   – an iron
Dary:     Yes, I do. How about you?                                          – a television
Sok:       No I don’t. Do you have a mobile phone?                   – a refrigerator          
Dary:    Yes, I do. Do you have a pet?                                      – a cabinet
Sok:       Yes I do. I have a dog called Luk.

-     The teacher monitors and notes down the students’ mistakes.
-     The teacher corrects any mistakes heard by the teacher at the end of the activity. The teacher writes the mistakes on the board and asks the students to correct them.

2.      Less-controlled Practice:
                (Find Someone Who…...)
-     The teacher tells the students to copy a table into their notebooks.
Find Someone Who……………..
……..has a bicycle.

……..has a guesthouse.

……..has a rice farm.

……..has a cable television.

……..has his/her own business.

-     The teacher does a demonstration for the class.
o  Teacher:       Who can ask a question with the first statement?
o  Student 1:     Do you have a bicycle?
o  Teacher:        Who can ask a question with the last statement?
o  Student 2:     Do you have your own business?
o  Teacher:        Student 1 (Sophal) ask someone your question.
o  Student 1:     Sopheap, do you have a bicycle?
o  Sopheap:       Yes, I do.
o  The teacher puts “Sokha’s name” in the column next to the first sentence.
o  Teacher:        So when someone says, “YES, I DO”, you have to put their names into the name column.
o  Teacher:        You can put only a name of a person once in the table. To complete the activity, you need 6 different names of whom answered “YES”.
o  Teacher:        Any student who can complete the table first will win the game.
-     The teacher tells the students to move around, ask each other and fill in their tables.
-     The teacher monitors and notes down the students’ mistakes.
-     The teacher corrects any mistakes heard by the teacher at the end of the activity. The teacher writes the mistakes on the board and asks the students to correct them.

1.      Telling each other about what you have and what you don’t
-     The teacher gets the students to work in pairs and then tell each other about what they have and what they don’t.
e.g.  I have a very good writing book.
        I haven’t got a car.
-     The teacher monitors the pair work and gives some help if necessary.
-     The teacher corrects some mistakes if necessary.

2.      Talking about Things Your Parents Own.
-     Get the students into groups of 5.
-     Ask each group to choose a secretary to take notes on what the group will say.
-     Ask the students to talk about what their parents possess.
-     Monitor the group work.
-     Stop the group work, asks each secretary to report what their groups said.
-     Correct some mistakes if necessary.

·      The teacher says, “Thank you for working hard today” Your homework is to write a dialogue by using “Have/Have got”.
·      The teacher says, “Goodbye”.

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When the boy eating rice

 Hello, see again that is about the boy eating his food. How strange he is and he tries to make everyone laugh with his funny performant. Ho...