Saturday, March 28, 2020

Writing Skill Practice Lesson Plan


Instructor:       Pin Sopich                                                                    Campus:     PUC
Program:         IEAP L1                                                                        Class:          Phnom Kravanh
Book:               Interchange 1                                                              Time:          7:00pm–8:00 pm
Duration:         45 Mins
Aim:                     To teach and practice writing skill.
Objective:           By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
-          write about someone’s biography.
-          write in English accurately and fluently.
-          speak or describe about someone’s biography using Present Simple.
Skill focused:      Speaking
Material:             New Interchange 1, Third Edition, Unit 2, page 11

Stage & Timing
Lesson opener
(3 minutes)
-        Greeting  the students
-        Chatting with the students about their family members.
I.      Pre-Writing Stage
(10 minutes)

-        The teacher elicits some relevant vocabularies of biography (graduate, fashion, design, born, engineer, get married, fall in love, travel, move, grandchildren, pass away……)
-        Revising the target item- Present Simple tense by asking the students to look at point 5 on page 10.
II.   Main Writing
(15 minutes)

Task A:
-        The teacher gets the students to write a biography of their brothers or sisters using the model in exercise 6 on page 11 and exercise 5 on page 5.

My classmate is a student. She lives near the university. She studies fashion design. She has a part-time job in a…………..

-        The teacher monitors around the class during the activity and provides help as needed.

Task B:
-        Every student is provided with a biography of the teacher. The teacher gets them to read then guest whose’s it is.
-        The teacher gets the students to work in pair to talk about the biography.
·      Free Writing Practice:
-        The students are asked to write a short paragraph about their own biographies.
-        The teacher moves around the class and provides help to the students if needed.
III.       Post Writing
(15 minutes)
-        The teacher gets the students to work in pairs and take turn to talk to each other about someone’s biography they know will.
-        The teacher monitors the class and provides help as needed.
-        The teacher asks two pairs to come in front of the class to share about their partners’ biographies.  
Lesson closure
(2 minutes)
-        The teacher says, “Thank you for working hard today”
-        The teacher summaries what the students have learnt.
-        The teacher gives feedback of the lesson to the students.
-        The teacher says, “Goodbye”.

Extra technique/ Reserved activity: Tell Us/Me About…………………………………………
Comments (it’s used for reflection):

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