Monday, March 30, 2020


Definition:  Parts of speech are the kinds of word that can be divided into the different ways according to the functions that they do in the sentences.
Ø  The parts of speech are nine kinds in number:

1-      Nouns                          4- Adjectives                            7- Conjunctions
2-      Pronouns                      5- Adverbs                               8- Interjections
3-      Verbs                           6- Prepositions                         9- Determiners
  I.            NOUN

Definition: A noun is a word used to show a person, place, thing and animal.
Ex: Headquarter, breadwinner, bomb, tank, computer, tiger, horse, elephant, television, and so on.
Ex: I have dissatisfaction with my Computer.
Ex: My oldest brother will become a breadwinner.
Ex: He is a first deputy chief of precinct.
Ex: I have met a tiger in the forest.
Kinds of Nouns
1.     Common Noun                             
2.     Proper Noun
3.     Countable Noun
4.     Uncountable Noun
5.     Concrete Noun
6.     Abstract Noun
7.     Collective Noun
8.     Compound Noun
1.    Common Noun
Definition: A Common Noun is a noun that makes comment on a group of persons, places, things, ideas or feelings. Or a common noun is a name give in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind. Also, a common noun refers to a person, place, or thing in a general sense. A common noun is the opposite of a proper noun.
Ex:    boy, girl, school, pagoda, province, student, country, airport, ministry, governor...
Ex: We are going to school.
Ex: There will be many delegates in August.
Ex: She will be my bride next year.
Ex: You can afford a villa.
Ex: We arrived early at the station.
Ex: He will be appointed a governor of Kampong Cham province.
Ex: Chinese company signed an agreement with Ministry of Education, Youth an Sport on the renovation.
2.    Proper Noun
Definition: A proper noun names a particular person, place or thing. It is always capitalized. You always write a proper noun with a capital letter, since the noun represents the same of a specific person, place, or thing. The name of day of the week months, historical documents, institutions, organizations, religions, their holy texts and their adherents are proper nouns. A proper noun is the opposite of a common noun.
Ex: Cambodia, Kampong Cham, Phnom Penh, George W. Bush, Hun Sen, Angkor Wat...
Ex: My friend lives in Phnom Penh.
Ex: Cambodia is my beloved country.
Ex: George W. Bush was an American president.
Ex: Hun Sen is a prime minister of Cambodia.
Ex: To live in Phnom Penh is my wish.
Ex: Angkor Wat is a famous temple of the kingdom of Cambodia.
Ex: Mr. Sokroeun is good person in his village.
·         Note: Proper nouns are always written with a capital letter at the beginning.
3.    Countable Noun
Definition: A countable noun is a noun that we can count.
Ex: Car, pen, book, ruler, marker, picture, people, dictionary, student...
Ex:    -I have five pens.
          -Do you have a ruler?
          -He has got a girl-friend.
          -there is a book on the table.
          -To live with our lover will be happiness.

4.    Uncountable Noun
Definition: An uncountable noun is a noun that we cannot count.
Ex: money, water, sugar, salt, sand, hair, perfume, housework, advice, cash, wind, blood, fire, meat, smoke.......
          -I want to buy some perfume for my girlfriend.
          -She has blond hair.
          -My brother will able to do his own homework.
          -Your mother has some advice for you.
          -Is there any sugar in the kitchen?

5.    Concrete Noun
Definition: A concrete noun is a noun that we can see and touch, tasted, seen, heard, smelt, and otherwise made by sense.
Ex: Table, pen, book, computer, pepper, salt, water, judge, clerk, beach, dog...
          -There are a lot of book on the table.
          -The judge handed the files to the clerk.
          -My uncle has fed ten cows.
          -Her niece looks lovely.
          -I want to stand on the rock.
          -More second-hand televisions have been imported from Japan.
6. Abstract Noun
Definition: An abstract noun is a noun that we cannot see and touch, but it mentions the name of quality, state of being or action. An abstract noun is used to name something that doesn’t have exact body.
-  Quality: goodness, kindness, whiteness, hardness, wisdom, intelligence, etc.
-  State: childhood, boyhood, youth, slavery, poverty, neighborhood, monkhood, etc.
-  Action: theft, movement, violation, invasion, improvement, development, management, etc.
Formation of Abstract Nouns
a-      Adjective + Ness:
Ex: goodness, happiness, laziness, darkness, etc.
b-     Adjective + Th:
Ex: length, width, strength, depth, etc.
c-      Adjective / Noun + Ism:
Ex:  socialism, heroism, materialism, etc.
d-     Noun + Ship:
Ex: leadership, friendship, ownership, relationship, etc.
e-      Noun + Hood
Ex: childhood, monkhood, motherhood, boyhood, etc.
f-       Verb + Ion:
Ex: action, construction, relation, corruption, etc.
g-      Adjective / Noun + Dom
Ex: freedom, boredom, kingdom, wisdom, etc.
h-     Verb + Ment:
Ex: government, management, arrangement, enjoyment, etc.
i-       Some verbs:
Ex: Love, taste, hate, fear......

7.Collective Noun
Definition: A collective noun is the name of the number of people or things taken together and spoken of as one whole.
Ex: group, team, band, crowd, family, army, police, class, parliament, jury, committee, congress, organization, government, club, minority, majority, etc.
Ex: Congress has initiated a new plan to combat inflation.
Ex: The organization has lost many members this year.
Ex: Our team is going to win the game.
Ex: Almost every family in the village owns a television.
Ex: The committee has decided to dismiss him.
Ex: While I was traveling along the street, I saw a crowd rushing into the parliament building.
8.Compound Noun
Definition: A compound noun is a noun that has two or more words used to join each other.
Formation of Compound Nouns
a-      Noun + Noun:
Ex: football, meatball, postcard, bookstore, bookcase, headache, raincoat, airport, hairbrush, toothache, toothbrush, daytime, timetable, sunset, earring, etc.
b-     Gerund + Noun:
Ex: living room, waiting room, dining room, swimming pool, sewing machine, wrapping paper, sitting room, changing room, walking stick, driving license, landing card, writing paper, modeling school,  etc.
c-      Adjective + Noun:
Ex: whiteboard, blackboard, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, etc.
d-     Adverb / Preposition + Noun
Ex: overcoat, upland, afternoon, afterlife, underwear, etc.
e-      Verb + Noun:
Ex: pickpocket, cutpurse, cuttroat, hitman, playtime, suitcase, etc.
f-       Noun + Gerund:
Ex: sunbathing, sightseeing, horse riding, housecleaning, waterskiing,
air-conditioning,  etc.
g-      Verb + Adverb:
Ex: breakdown, slowdown, tune over, turnout, etc.
h-     Possessive case + Noun:
Ex: spokesman, sportsman, salesman, bridesmaid, groomsman, fisherman, chairman, fireman, dustman, classmate, schoolmaster, etc.

Noun: Gender
The genders are four in English.
1-Masculine Gender:
 A masculine gender is a noun that denotes a male.
Ex: boy, father, king, brother, son, man, monk, hero, etc.
2-Feminine Gender:
 A feminine gender is a noun that denotes a female.
Ex: girl, mother, queen, sister, daughter, woman, nun, etc.
3-Neuter Gender:
 A neuter gender is a noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female (a thing without life).
Ex: table, chair, book, cup, pen, etc.
4-Common Gender:
 A common gender is a noun that denotes either a male or female.
Ex: student, parent, child, baby, teacher, etc.
Noun: Number
 The numbers are two in English.
1-Singular Number:
 A singular number is a noun that denotes one person or thing.
Ex: ruler, boy, girl, sister, book, pen, car, etc.
2-Plural number:
 A plural number is a noun that denotes more than one person or thing.
Ex: rulers, boys, girls, sisters, parents, brothers, sons, monks, kings, etc.

Functions of Nouns
1-      Subject of a verb:
Ex: English is international language.
Ex: Vegetable is good for our health.
2-      Subject-Complement:
Ex: They are student.
Ex; My friends are teacher.
3-      Object of transitive verb:
Ex: They read books yesterday.
Ex: I met Mr. Dara yesterday.
4-      Object-Complement:
Ex: I considered Mr. Roeun patriot.
5-      Direct  and Indirect Object:
Ex: I bought Mary flower.
Ex: He gave Dara pens.
6-      Object of Preposition:
Ex: We are waiting for bus now.
Ex: The boy in bed is sick.
7-      Cognate Object:
Ex: I dreamed a good dream last night.
Ex: She sing a song.
8-      Adverb Equivalent:
Ex:  She will meet him next week.
Ex: I work ten hours a day.
9-      Apposition =(Appositive or Adjacent);
Ex:  I met your uncle Dara yesterday.
Ex: A prime minister Hun Sen thinks about poor people.
     10-  In Possessive Case:
Ex: Did you see my brother’s pen here.
Ex: My sister’s name Dary.

Ex: -We are going to meet her tomorrow.
       -I study English with him.
Ex: Swimming is good exercise.
          -She likes listening to music.
3-Adjectives preceded by “the”
Ex.    -The rich should help the poor.
          -The uneducated is considered as the blind.
Ex.    -No student wants to fail.
          -He decides to study in the evening English class.
5-Noun phrase:
Ex.    -The students in this class are studying English grammar now.
          -This is a good book.
6-Infinitive phrase:
Ex.    -To study English is my ambition.
          -She decided to stop studying because her family is poor.
7-Gerund phrase:
Ex.    -Studying English grammar makes you understand well in writing English.
          -Smoking cigarette is bad for your health.
8-Noun clause:
Ex.    -What you said is not true.
          -I don’t understand what you said.

Possessive Case
Definition: The possessive case is used to show possession. It shows what something belongs to another person for whom the noun stands.

Formation of Possessive Case
The possessive case is formed by adding “’s” (Apostrophe  ’s) after the noun possessor.
1- Adding “ ’s ” to singular possessor:
Ex: Mary’s bicycle is new.
Ex: The boy’s trousers are expensive.
2- Adding “ ’ ” to plural possessor with “ s ”:
Ex: The boys’ school is far from their house.
Ex: I met the two boys’ uncle yesterday.
3- Adding “ ’s ” to plural possessor without s :
Ex: The woman’s books are on the table.
4- Compound nouns  adding “ ’s ” to the last word:
Ex: His father in law’s room is quite big.
5- Several possessor imply the same possession: adding “ ’s ” to the last noun:
Ex: It is Dara and Dary’s house.
Ex: My brother and your sister school’s has a good football.
6- Different possessor are thought of separately: adding “ ’s ” to each word:
Ex: They are Bora’s and Mary’s book.
7- The possessive noun followed by an apposition: adding “ ’s ” to the apposition only:
Ex: This is my friend Sokha’s house.
8- Noun used in preceding clause is not repeated after possessive case:
Ex: This is my book and that is Tom’s.
9- Nouns denoting : house, school, college, church, shop, palace, .....are often understood:
Ex: We should buy medicine at Chemist’s.
10-  Double possession:
Ex: That is a friend of Tom’s.
Ex: He is a friend of mine. (My friend)

-Parts of Speech (Mr. Ham kunthea)
-Parts of Speech (Mr. Den Meas)

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